Tutorial Download Manga Raw And Scanlation

If only Cleaners photoshop newbies who wanted to learn how to clean a manga and contribute some of their free time. On this tutorial I will share my simple technique on pulling the artwork out from those manga scans to be able to re-use them for scanlations .
Cleaning those scans is easy and will only take you 3-6 mins per page, 10-20 mins if the scans are ugly.
I did apply for a cleaner from one of the outstanding scanlations
and I did pass their exams, then I back out after that . It was out of curiosity. Ok let me show you how to clean manga scans properly.
As far as I can see there is no a single site that explain how to scan manga. Because of that, I have decided to let you know how they work with it. Now I will explain to you all how to scan “manga” or should we call in comic English with this simple tutorial as I can. Before we begin the tutorial, I would you to forgive me for any mistaken. Well, here we go, and listen carefully.
Before you read this tutorial, I would like you to read my previous tutorial about how to scan HQ manga (comic). After that, Ok let’s begin
To input your own language to the manga or comic, you have to clean the Japanese text first and here is.

Mangacan Membutuhkan Scanlator dan Translator, Bagi Yang Berminat Hubungi Admin di:

A. Tugas Scanlator

Scanlator bertugas membersihkan gambar RAW manga dan menuliskan teks Indonesia dalam gambar.

Kemampuan yang dibutuhkan :

1. Penggunaan Photoshop beserta plugin Topaz Denoise +

Topaz Clean

2. Redraw bagian - bagian tertentu

3. Typeset Teks Indonesia dari Translator

untuk download Tutorialnya Disini

B. Download Manga Raw

Ini Juga Menjadi Tugas Dari Scanlator Karena Harus Memiliki Manga Raw Untuk di Cleaning,

untuk download Tutorialnya Disini

C. Tugas Translator

Translator bertugas menjadi penerjemah Inggris/Jepang - Indonesia.

Teks terjemahan kemudian dikirimkan pada scanlator.

Kemampuan yang dibutuhkan :

1. Menerjemahkan bahasa Inggris/Jepang ke Indonesia

2. Menyesuaikan terjemahan dengan gambar

3. Memeriksa kira - kira terjemahannya mudah dipahami pembaca atau tidak